The 63rd day – finally on the board again
This day like so many started off with blogging and school. It was awfully hot and that didn’t make it easier to concentrate. But we decided we wanted to do somethi...
This day like so many started off with blogging and school. It was awfully hot and that didn’t make it easier to concentrate. But we decided we wanted to do somethi...
Blog Today I spent, like the last couple of days, catching up with my Blog. It cost so much effort and we had only a few hours till sundown. Kahikili Beach Dad had studied the Maui Revealed (the guide book we use) a little. So he had planned our destination. It was a beach surrounded by high...
Continue readingOur time in Hawaii is over already. And for a short moment we thought about staying longer and letting mom come to us, but then we decided, we had booked the flight alrea...
The most of the day is nothing worth mentioning, because it contained mainly working. When we were finished we regreted spending so much time on work, but it was necessar...
This day started off with writing my Blog and learning for school. When the clock showed it was alread 2:30 pm I just wanted to go outside and do something. Dad and I gra...
Diving The thing about diving is: You always have to get up early. so that’s what we had to do. Of course not as early as the previous day, but still. Luckily the &...
3 am : No, I’m not writing about my sleep. I was awake already. Why? We had to drive to the world’s best sunrise, that didn’t happen to be next door. I ...
Lahaina The road led us to a small town called Lahaina. It’s the downtown from Maui. If you like gift shops, that’s the place to go. It was really fun walking through the cute town with ocean-view. Because we didn’t really had any Breakfast we looked for a place that wasn’t to full. And guess...
Continue readingI had a few blogpost, I had to write. Most of you probably think: Why doesn’t she write one post every day, instead of releasing so many at once? The thing is, I...
Five hours until our flight : Off we go to the rainbow falls. sounds cool? They are overrated. We drove there and there were no parking spaces left. In the middle were tw...