The next day our plan was: go to the Art museum and eat dinner at the French concession.
The plan pretty much worked. So first thing in the morning (after breakfast, of course) we took the subway to a station near the art galleries. I followed my parents through all kinds of streets till we turned left into a street that led to a big house. Since there were many people walking there we thought that it must be it, but halfway we were stopped by a ,not so rich’ looking man. So we turned and made our way to an old industrial place, which my parents thought was the museum.

The Pearl tower The 9th day – the first day in Shanghai
And they were right (Yeah I was surprised too). We made our way through the many beautiful and abstract paintings, which by the way mum wasn´t so fond of. After an hour or so we started heading to the French concession, which we were so impressed of the night before. But we didn´t find the sweet, little, closely built houses, instead we found ourselves in a very high-end restaurant area. I thought it was very nice, but I think my parents weren´t so satisfied. But we didn´t want any Chinese food and that’s how I ended up eating noodles with cream sauce.