And again we had to get up early. Argggg. Dad decided he wanted to drive to the Weimea Canyon and he had heard, that you should drive there early in the morning (Damn you, who ever told him that). So we drove up the north shore again, but Dad got really sleepy, so we first made a stop at a café, where we ate breakfast. Sadly Dad didn`t feel much better, so we canceled the trip to the Canyon. So all the standing up early was for nothing.

Moving on, I saw on the map, that the Spouting Horn was nearby (a blowhole). So we headed there. It was amazing. The splashing and the wierd sucking sound, when the water went back. We could even watch a huge turtle getting dragged back and forth from the waves. Sometimes it would even poke its had out of the water.

McBryde & Allerton Garden
This is a botanical Garden I also read about, right next to the Spouting Horn. You have to pay fee, but it’s totally worth it. A bus took us to the main garden and the guide told us some fun stuff. When we got there, we were free to walk around and look at all the unique plants. It was beautiful and very well done. Sadly our time was up and we had a plane to catch, so we quickly headed back. As it turns out, Dad made a mistake looking up our flight earlier and we still had more than an hour. So we bought some ice cream and waited.

Flight: Kauai -> Big Island
After we had wasted ages at Budget trying to get a car, we finally made it to our Airbnb on Hawaii Big Island. It was amazinngggg! The garden was amazinngggg!