This day is the last one in Oahu. Well, that’s not completely true, because we come back so we can take the plane to San Francisco. You might think we would use all the time we had to do something productive like writing this blog. Ehm, no, far missed. After a good nights sleep we stood up late (I did, Dad mutated to a morning bird). After I woke up, I ate and then wrote a little. After Dad got really jumpy, like a dog, who wants to get out to play (wierd comparison, I know). I wrote the last sentences and off we went to Costco. And let me tell you something: You cannot go in there without loosing at least an hour.

Since we wanted to visit a beach we followed our hosts advice and visited the Lagoon. It was very touristic, but nevertheless beautiful. There was a lawn you could relax on and beautiful clear water with not too high waves. We read a little and then played some American Football in the water. Like an hourglass, because we had to be gone by sundown. Before we left, Dad thought he should entertain the guy, that had to look at the security cameras, so he made wierd faces into the camera. Our regards to Trump and the NSA.
For dinner we went to the place we had gone to the first day. Again it was good, but way too much. At least we got a seat outside, because inside it was freaking cold.