Heinz Hedemann surfing
This is the uncoolest name for a surf shop I have ever heard and seen! Yesterday, when we were in Waikiki we signed up for this surf course I really wanted to do. First our host had to convince my Dad, that everybody is able to stand on the board during the lesson, because he was still a little frustrated of the the one time he tried it in Australia and just embaressed himself.

Just imagine the wave was 5 meters higher (the wave was still fast)
Like I said, we signed up for the surf course. They introduced us to the surf moves with a short video and then off we went into the water. Our instructor gave us a little headstart, when he saw a good wave and all we had to do was to stand up. I figured it out pretty quickly and it was so much fun. The only enoying thing was paddling back to the instuctor after finishing the wave. Dad was reallyyy exhausted, I was just enoyed. I guess, since it was already his 46th birthday, I can say he did pretty well for his age.
Dad thought after surfing a few hours, we should do a hike afterwards. It was boring. The first few steps were alright and then it was so freaking hot. But we arrived at the top and the view was beautiful.

Himalayan Restaurant
I am proud to say, that I was the one who found this precious gem. I took a look in the Lonely Planet and found out, that it was nearby. We drove along the 11th Avenue, in which the restauant was supposed to be. The only problem: the street was chopped of by a highway before the house number came up. We had already kind of given up, when we saw a tunnel passing under the highway. 11th ave continued and we found the matching house number. It was totally worth it. It was delicious and we ordered a little too much, so we took the rest back „home“